Updated on December 10, 2022
Why Does Coffee Get Stronger the Longer It Sits?
Want to know if letting your drink lie out would make it more bitter since you detest strong, bitter coffee? Or perhaps you enjoy strong coffee and want to make it even stronger by letting it rest for longer. Regardless, we have the solutions for you. Ground coffee will become stronger and more bitter the longer it is left to sit. Usually, after sitting out for around 30 minutes, coffee starts to taste bitter. This occurs as a result of the water and coffee grounds extracting the solubles from the grounds and oxidizing the coffee.
How Long Can Coffee Technically Sit Out?
Unless it contains milk or cream, coffee can be left out for as long as you like without going “bad.” I wouldn’t leave it out for more than 30 to 1 hour if you don’t enjoy strong, bitter coffee. Just how long you leave it out depends on how you like your coffee; I’ve seen folks leave it out for hours and still drink it. If it doesn’t contain milk or cream and you want your coffee strong and bitter, you can leave it out for hours. Although it is still legal to drink, we shall discuss this further in the paragraph that follows.
Is Left Out Coffee Bad For You?
As was already said, coffee that has been left out too long with milk or cream may not be good. It starts to curdle in the hot coffee, which explains why. Now that you’re probably asking if there’s anything more to be concerned about when consuming leftover coffee, the good news is that there isn’t. Unless it contains milk or cream, leftover coffee can be consumed without risk. Although it probably won’t taste as wonderful, it is completely safe.